☆College Options☆

Although many grow up hearing about local or prestigious colleges, there are actually many colleges and universities available to you. In the College Systems infographic I listed fast facts regarding our college systems. I recommend you to conduct extensive research when creating a college list and consider if the list of colleges you have selected will be a good college for your selected major.

I graduated from a university within the UC system, due to its campus size they provided a vast selection of resources, on-campus jobs, and student centers. However, I wish someone would have told me UCs are research focused earlier in my college journey. UCs are great for students who are interested in pursuing a Phd but that wasn't me. Since I was attending a research university I applied to a research assistant position for a Sociology professor who conducted research surrounding immigration policy. I learned and networked a lot; however, if I knew what it would mean to attend a research university I likely would not have attended a UC. My piece of advice is to pursue the best pathway for your interests and don't allow others to pressure you into a decision that will not meet your long term goals.